Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Green in the Hood

Dear Xcel Energy,
please do not put 115-kilovolt above ground transmission lines through my neighborhood. We have enough things to fight, please don't make us fight you.
Because, we will--we'll fight like only poor people with nothing to lose can.

Dear Neighbors,
This is what our 115-kilovolt transmission lines could look like:

Not to mention that there seems to be quite a bit of scientific evidence that these above ground power lines increase the risk of leukemia.
Here's a really interesting report by the world health organization about a community that fought these lines in their area, and subsequently changed state law to ban them.
click here to download this report
Please go to the open houses on Thursday of this week to voice concerns to Xcel.
Plaza Verde
Thursday, noon–2 p.m.
Thursday, 5 p.m.–7 p.m.
Tell them to bury them.